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Email us: nikola.gcc@gmail.com

PHONE: 089 610 3010

Opening hours

Monday – Friday : 9am – 19pm

Professional Laser
Cleaning Services
In Ireland.

With over 2 years of experience cleaning everything from metal to marble, you can trust us with your health and safety.

Laser Cleaning is Cheaper than Sand Blasting

It requires only electricity. No secondary pollution. No after cleaning mess.

It is cleaner and eco-firendly.

You can use it anywhere, you don’t need to worry about to clean up place where you used it.

Precise and non desctructive.

Power of laser can be easily adjusted. Even the smallest surface contamination can be accuratly removed with out damage.

We provide the best laser services for our customers around Ireland.

With over 2 years of experience in laser cleaning we can do everything from cars to art cleaning, you can trust us.

Commercial Laser Cleaning

We help companies to restore or prepare for restoration their metal, wood, marble, and almost any other material with our Laser Cleaning equipment.

We Use High-Quality Economic Laser Cleaning Machines

It is important for us to provide you the best service with the most economical and effective equipment. Also, safety is one of our priorities.


As laser cleaning does not use any chemical solvents or other kind of consumables, it is environmentally friendly and safe to operate.

Other advantages:

  • dry and clean
  • highly accurate
  • noiseless
  • non-contact technology
  • easy to use
  • easy to automate
  • safe for any kind of substrate, even very delicate surfaces
  • unrivaled level of control
  • no unwanted side effects
  • not abrasive or potentially hazardous
  • suitable for hard-to-reach areas or surfaces
  • suitable for use in hazardous or dangerous environments
  • lower operational costs than most other cleaning techniques
  • absolute minimum of residue, mostly dust
  • minimal maintenance
  • quick installation and setup time
View our services

Let us take care of all your rusty stuff.

We are mobile service, all we need is electric plug, and even if you dont have it or cleaning object is unreachable by electo lines we can bring electric generator with us.

View our services

Take a look at the variety of services we offer

Laser cleaning suits many purpuses like rust removal, glass polish, graffiti removal, monuments renewal, boat hull cleaning and many more. Laser cleaning can do everything what sand blasting can do but even better, cheaper and more efficient.

Rust removal from almost any surfaces

Car, boat, yacht, details, coints literary anything what can get rusty can be cleaned with the laser. Laser cleaning is the process of removing contaminants, such as rust, oil, oxides, etc., on steel and other surfaces using laser technology. Laser cleaning is achieved through surface ablation. It allows the selective removal of the contaminants with little impact on the substrate.

Automotive Cleaning

Using Laser Cleaning for paint stripping avoids health issues like skin and eye irritation. Paint stripper chemicals can cause headaches, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness and loss of coordination. Some of the chemicals used have also been linked cancer, reproductive problems and damage to the kidney, liver and brain. With Laser Cleaning you can selectively clean parts of components, such as the rim of the lower oil pans, without the detrimental health risks that are known in abrasive blasting and chemical cleanings.

Laser Art Restoration

The application of lasers in conservation and restoration is increasing because of the use of laser cleaning systems as they are portable, effective, and flexible. Laser systems are already being used for cleaning, consolidation and imaging applications. Laser cleaning is gaining more traction in art restoration and conservation as it can successfully remove black sulfation from marble and limestone, tarnish from silver threads in textiles, over paints from monochromatic upholstery, fungi from leather and vellum, calcareous deposits from pottery and lead, corrosion from bronze,encrustations from stained glass, slaked lime from frescoes and graffiti from concrete.

Ships and Marines

Ships are full of saltwater systems and ocean air. Rust, dirt and salt are the main reasons of a mal-function and paint is what protects the metal from corrosion. Laser Cleaning, helps remove old paint and rust to prepare the surface for a new and highly adhesive coat.

Best Laser Cleaning services helping customers around Ireland.

Best cleaning services helping customers worldwide.

With over 3 years of experience in laser cleaning everything from metal to marble, brick to stone, you can trust us.

Contact us

Call us if you have any question about our services.

PHONE: 089 610 3010